Winter 2025
Christianbook International Outreach (CIO) UPDATE
Distributing books for international Christian leaders and theological schools,
and Bibles for those without access to them.
Thank you for sending so much more—Bibles, Study Bibles, Personal Book Sets, and Library Books—in 2024! Here are some examples of your eternal impact in the last 12 months….
- You sent Bibles to a West African village that was bursting with new believers who, after hearing the Gospel for the first time, turned from worshipping idols! In Africa alone, it’s estimated that 100–200 million Christian believers don’t own a Bible.

- You sent Study Bibles to rural African pastors, many of whom have served faithfully for decades without the benefit of a Study Bible to encourage and equip them for ministry.
- You supplied pastors and church leaders who were attending a training conference in Uganda with culturally relevant Africa Study Bibles that impacted their entire villages.
- You equipped more than 2,440 international pastors and theological school graduates for a lifetime of ministry with a Personal Book Set of approximately 15 valuable resources that they can keep. Pastors and theological school graduates in Africa, Asia, and Latin America often complete their training with borrowed books that they must return, leaving them with no resources of their own as they begin to minister.
- You shipped two 20-foot ocean containers of library books to Central Africa Baptist University (CABU) in Kitwe, Zambia (and a third container will embark this year!). This groundbreaking theological library will enable thousands of students to do research with resources they otherwise wouldn’t have had access to.

- You helped meet the goal to establish 150 church libraries across Kenya in 2025 – each library will complete 52 carefully selected books to equip pastors and their congregations.
Through generous support of people like you, CIO has to date distributed more than 3,000,000 Bibles, Study Bibles, Personal Book Sets, and Library Books to international Bible students, pastors, church leaders, and new believers in 91 countries! This is a drop in the bucket compared to the vast need that remains, but the bucket will never be filled by doing nothing. The ultimate meaning of all the numbers comes down to ONE:
- ONE person who receives a Bible that otherwise would not have access.
- ONE Bible college or seminary student whose education is enriched by access to quality Study Bibles and Library resources they wouldn’t have had otherwise.
- ONE Bible college/seminary graduate or pastor without access to formal education, whose lifelong ministry will be more effective because of a Personal Book Set that they can keep.
You are the ONE who will make a difference in 2025 and for all eternity through your donation to Christianbook International Outreach!
Your Impact at a Glance:
16 Containers Shipped
44 Countries Served
1,006,412 Resources Distributed
(Almost 63% above CIO’s previous record of 618,000 in 2022!)
Total CIO Distributions to Date:
91 Countries Served
3,033,824 Resources Distributed

Thanks to generous supporters like you, theological students, pastors, leaders, and new believers in 91 countries have received long-awaited resources for expanding God’s kingdom.
God is meeting their needs through faithful partners like you, and we need your support to continue CIO’s mission to deliver Bibles and books to the hundreds of millions of people worldwide who don’t yet have access.
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