Providing books for international Christian leaders and theological schools, and Bibles for those without access to them.
Who We Are
Christianbook International Outreach (CIO) is the charitable outreach arm of Christianbook, one of the largest distributors of Christian products in the world. All books provided by CIO are on a not-for-profit donation basis. Christianbook covers most of the overhead costs of CIO, allowing your donations to have a maximum impact.
Our primary focus is working to equip current and future church leaders with resources such as library books, Bibles, and textbooks. We work with many organizations to procure, package, and ship these valuable resources overseas to get them into the hands of those who may not otherwise have access to them.
We are also working to provide resources to students graduating from Bible colleges overseas. These graduate book sets are a small personal library that they can take with them as they enter the ministry impacting everyone they minister to. We believe that providing resources for training leaders has an exponential impact. When a Christian leader in the Global South has access to needed resources it affects not only the leader personally, but also everyone whom the leader will influence over their lifetime.

There is a huge need for Bibles overseas. In many countries Bibles are either scarce or unaffordable for the average person – sometimes costing a month’s wages, if available at all. With the help of our ministry partners, we work to supply Bibles to several ministries involved in distributing them overseas.

With the generous donations of partners like you, more than 1,900,000 Bibles, New Testaments and Scripture portions have been provided to a variety of ministry partners for distribution outside the U.S. It’s certainly a drop in the bucket compared to the need, but the bucket will never be filled by doing nothing.
The ultimate meaning of all the numbers comes down to ONE:
- ONE Bible school or seminary student whose education is enriched by access to quality library resources or textbooks they wouldn’t have had otherewise.
- ONE Bible school graduate, or pastor, without access to formal education, whose lifelong ministry will be more effective because of resources for study which they can keep.
- ONE person who receives a Bible that would not otherwise have been available to them.
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