Frequently Asked Questions
Christianbook International Outreach is recognized by the IRS as a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. As a religious institution described in IRC Section 170(b)(1)(A)(i), CIO is exempt from state charitable solicitation registration requirements.
Can I make a monthly recurring donation?
Yes. Please go to our Donations page and choose the “Monthly” option and desired amount. Monthly support is especially helpful in allowing us to plan and budget for future projects – thank you!
We welcome donations of new or used books that would be useful to pastors and theological schools outside the US, as well as any Bibles. Donations of books from pastors and theological libraries are especially helpful. Please email us at [email protected] for more information.
Why is your work focused outside the US?
While we recognize that needs exist everywhere, the need for resources is greatest in the Global South (Africa, Asia, and Latin America). This is where the Church is growing the fastest and access to resources is most limited.
How do you select the resources to send overseas?
We seek to work with our partners to provide the resources they most want and need, and that will be most helpful to them. In some cases they choose the resources, and in other cases we choose based on guidelines our partners supply.
How do you choose the partners you work with?
We work with a variety of ministry partners whose mission and vision align with our mission and statement of faith. All partners are vetted and have proven track records of effective ministry. Many partners come to us through referrals from other partners.
I am involved in ministry outside the US. How can I apply for assistance with resources?
Please contact us by email at [email protected] with further details about your ministry and need for resources. All requests will be reviewed in light of how they fit with our mission and the funds available. Please note that we provide resources only and do not provide grants of funds.
Board of Directors:
Ray Hendrickson – Chairman and President; former President/CEO of Christianbook
Craig Stoll – Treasurer and Managing Director
Pastor Timothy Schmidt – Board Member; Senior Pastor of Calvary Christian Church Lynnfield, MA
Dr. Barry Corey – Board Member; President of Biola University
Advisory Committee:
Dr. Richmond Wandera – Founder and CEO of Pastors Discipleship Network – Kampala, Uganda
Dr. Steven A. Hardy – Theological Education Consultant (ICETE/SIM)
Joel Chola – Executive Director, Clarence Matheny Leadership Training Institute – Nairobi, Kenya
What is CIO’s statement of faith/doctrinal position?
We adhere to the following statement of faith as sourced from the World Evangelical Alliance.
We believe in:
The Holy Scriptures as originally given by God, divinely inspired, infallible, entirely trustworthy; and the supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.
One God, eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Our Lord Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, His virgin birth, His sinless human life, His divine miracles, His vicarious and atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension, His mediatorial work, and his personal return in power and glory.
The Salvation of lost and sinful man through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ by faith apart from works, and regeneration by the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the believer is enabled to live a holy life, to witness and work for the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Unity of the Spirit of all true believers, the Church, the Body of Christ.
The Resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life, they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.
What is the relationship between CIO and Christianbook?
CIO is the charitable outreach arm of Christianbook but is a separate legal entity which is recognized by the IRS as a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization. CIO obtains books from many sources, including but not limited to Christianbook. All books provided by Christianbook to CIO are either donated or provided at cost, with no profit to Christianbook. Christianbook also covers most of the overhead costs of CIO, allowing donations to have a maximum impact.
Does Christianbook make a profit on resources provided through CIO?
No. CIO obtains books from many sources, including but not limited to Christianbook. All books provided by Christianbook to CIO are either donated or provided at cost, with no profit to Christianbook.