Bicycle Story
The following verified story was received from a missionary in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Although CIO was not involved in providing these Bibles, it illustrates the great need and hunger for Bibles in many nations of the world.
When the first load of Bibles finally arrived in Kindu in 2007, our Bible School students immediately went to work to make sure that the Bibles got where they were most desperately needed in the interior of the Maniema Province. Although the bicycles we bought for students were equipped with book racks to carry several boxes, some students decided that they could carry more Bibles if they walked their bikes instead of riding them. After all, the student pictured here in the pink shirt only had to walk 186 miles back to his village.
“This is close to the distance from Boston, MA to New York City! When people on the ground are so committed to advancing the gospel with their own sacrifice how can we just stand idly by? These individuals, and stories like them, inspire me to do everything I can to provide Bibles and other resources to countries desperately in need of them. I hope you feel the same way.” – Ray Hendrickson, President Christianbook International Outreach.