Joseph Mulindwa
You are making a massive difference even from far away! Joseph Mulindwa is a very influential leader among the 20’s and 30’s in Uganda. His following is in the thousands, and he is turning many from Islam to Christ.
He came to me requesting a study Bible because he was confused about many aspects of the Bible. Thanks to your partnership, we were able to provide the exact Bible he was looking for. He came to my office and shared that he spends hours poring over the Scriptures. His questions have been answered. He feels better equipped to answer his people’s questions now.
There is no way Joseph could have gotten his dream Bible in Uganda if not through your partnership. Bibles here are so expensive that pastors struggle to afford even the basic ordinary pew Bibles, much less the quality study Bibles like this one.
If this study Bible (by any chance) was in a bookstore in Uganda, it would cost the equivalent of at least US $100. This is a whole month’s rent for a family. Most people can never afford this. It explains why Joseph was so excited when he received the Bible.
There are no words enough to say thank you!