Shipping - 20,000 Study Bibles

Our work involves shipments of all sizes, from a single box carried overseas as luggage, all the way up to full container shipments holding hundreds of boxes and tens of thousands of books. The larger shipments often involve weeks or months of work in preparing the shipment, followed by 2-4 months in ocean transit. From when we start a shipment on our end to when it arrives at the other end, a large container shipment can easily stretch out to 6 months or even more.
This photo shows just over 20,000 copies of a special edition of the ESV Global Study Bible for Reaching Africa’s Unreached. They are in far northern Uganda, right on the border with South Sudan. These Bibles are being distributed primarily to pastors and other Christian leaders in Uganda, South Sudan, Sudan, and possibly Chad and the Democratic Republic of Congo. From initial discussions … to fundraising by RAU in the peak of the pandemic … to printing in China … to shipping and arrival – this project took about two years to complete.